


Relationship they have with the Pregnancy Fibroids

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If you have trouble getting pregnant, it may be that one of the reasons is that you have fibroids in the uterus. For this reason, above all, you must know:

What are fibroids?
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
What are the treatments to shrink fibroids?
What are the side effects of medicines to shrink fibroids?
What are fibroids? Fibroids are those masses that form in the lining of the uterus, which can be small or large as a seed like an orange. Generally fibroids are called "tumors", but remember they are not cancer but smooth muscle mass.
What are the symptoms of fibroids? Most of the time, fibroids do not have any pain or symptoms, but the most common symptoms are as follows below:

problems with urination
abnormal menstrual cycle
leg pain
pain in the pelvic region
inability to conceive
expanding the waist
Relationship with Pregnancy Fibroids: One of the consequences is that they can make it harder to conceive. They can also cause problems during pregnancy or childbirth. It may even happen that there is a risk of miscarriage or premature labor.
What are the treatments to shrink fibroids? Common treatments once diagnosed the presence of fibroids, are drugs that only mask your symptoms or reduced, but only temporarily. When you stop taking these drugs, the fibroids begin to grow again, and the symptoms return in a few days.
What are the side effects of medicines to shrink fibroids? The side effects of these drugs can stay in your body forever and are as follows:

Cause facial hair growth in women
Facial and body acne cause
Cause increased body hair in women

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