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Currently in Peru, we are feeling the effects of the Act authorizing use $ 400 million annual U.S. federal funds to promote Abortion in 53 countries worldwide through various NGO s, which was duly reported in Industry (Black Camelot in favor of Abortion in January 2009) paradoxically signed and supported by the now named "Nobel Peace Prize", which merely ratify the growing prestige of the Swedish Academy that has turned into an old register of luminaries and "lights, But those 400 million dollars each year progressively increase and benefit some 90 institutions aborteras World pro ... green and black that money and came to Peru! And entered the most unexpected place ... for a Commission to review the penal code!, Once the motion passed by a simple majority, have been heard voices ever, an NGO ladies, officers, directors, which are always saying the same about the IUD, morning after pill, Ormeloxifen ... maybe between those voices are honest voices that really believe in these fallacies, but the vast majority are "Lobbyists" of this culture of death, either by a stipend, fee or collaboration ... or for money, because at this point in the debate, and everything is clarified, only the naive are fooled by statistics in this or that magazine "serious" or as articles reviews undersigned this or that investigator, the immense buying power of money research findings and opinions, as in a class society, as the sample, the results of scientific research is a hallmark of class and uses this fact to guide reviews and make us believe that it false is true, deep debate is not technical, scientific, sociological not even ... the essence of this debate is cheap ... is a fight between Values and Dollars!, Death Industry generates billions of dollars year in profits, corporations are the owners of pharmaceutical companies, marketing companies, companies producing condoms, abortion clinics, producing pornographic films, and other related businesses, the Hindustan Latex Limited (Hindu) which sold 2.300 million condoms in 108 countries of the world, owns companies producing pornographic films, besides producing ormeloxifen and other abortifacients, the Condomi the largest supplier of condoms in Europe, the profits generated by four billion dollars a year, also owns of firms producing pornographic films in 11 languages and are hanging from the Internet, in full view of Jovens and adolescents, also owns marketing firms trading (bribe) with state officials and manufacturers of pills the next day and so There are many pearls that prove that this is the land where the debate should be given and not exaggerate the painful and repugnant acts of rape followed by pregnancy, to legislate for the 0.6% chance, when it is clear that the man, life , pain ... not interested!, what interests them is money behind these fallacies, seek legislation ... On behalf of Hunger! ... of money hungry that around! .... when should legislate ... In the name of Man!, the small man, the unborn child, the most defenseless of the defenseless.
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