


Legal obligations of the owners of a dog

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Living with a pet is an experience that gives us great satisfaction and benefits. However, owning a living, especially if it is a dog or cat also has a number of legal obligations, and we must not forget that once we acquire a pet, are responsible for her, its good and bad actions and the consequences that may result from such acts.

As owners, we are required to meet the needs of the animal, so we can qualify as basic, that is, give a good food and provide accommodation, such as emotional.

If we own a dog, we will have to meet the basic obligations of tenancy, such as censarle at City Hall where provided and identify with the microchip.

There is also an obligation to enforce laws that protect the animal from abuse or neglect. These depend on the autonomous community of residence of the owner, as they vary from one to another, but whatever, if not met, the owner will be penalized.

As for neglect, we must not forget that it is a crime, and, as such, although they do not let pet owners, if we witness a drop, we have the obligation to report to the Service of Nature Protection Guard civil (SEPRONA).

When we took a walk down the street, we do so in indicating the bylaws, that is, a leash and, if necessary, with a muzzle, as in the case of potentially dangerous breeds. Failure to do so, we can be fined for not observing these rules. These standards apply to protect other citizens from possible harm or discomfort that may cause our animals.

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