


5 Symptoms of Allergy to Cats

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About 10% of the population experience symptoms caused by allergens related to pets, and cats are often the culprits

Based on the symptoms, it may be difficult to know the difference between an allergy and other illnesses like a cold or flu. However, there are some symptoms that occur together and may suggest that your kitten is causing you health problems.

The Symptoms of cat allergy
The Allergy Medications

The nose starts to become congested again, or gives very itchy and can not stop sneezing.

One way to help control the symptoms is to take counter antihistamines and decongestants. This type of allergy medications can not relieve all symptoms, but somehow help control them.
Eye Allergies

It should be no surprise that the eyes may be affected by allergy to cats. After all, the nose is next to the eyes.

These symptoms often manifest as redness and itching. Make sure you do not rub your eyes after contact with a cat, and if allergic reactions are bad, wash your hands and hair off your clothes with a brush.
Allergy infections in the throat

Cats can make you itch a lot and my throat hurts. To help reduce this and other symptoms, you should ensure that the house breathe regularly.
Lung Allergies

Besides giving you a simple sore throat, allergies to cats can exacerbate problems such as asthma, making you a lot of coughing and wheezing.

If you visit the owner of a cat and frequently clean the carpets, furniture and clothing, are likely to stay exposed to cat dander and everything else. It is also likely that you take the problem on the clothes to your home.
Skin allergy

Last but not least, you can be allergic to cats if you develop a rash. Especially when you cat has licked, scratched or bitten.

If the allergic reaction is sufficiently debilitating or irritating, ask your doctor to get tested and specific advice on how to proceed. You have to find a different home for your pet, but by practicing a few techniques, you may be able to alleviate allergy suffering family.

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