


5 star review of Heart of a Hero by Readers Favorite

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Reviewed by Joy H. for Readers Favorite

While helping Mr. Thompson on his farm, Carl and one of the farm puppies fall in love with each other. Seeing this, Mr. Thompson gives the puppy, Lady, to Carl as a little added bonus for his work. Carl and Lady spend a lot of time together, until Carl decides to join the Marines to help fight in the war. Lady is heartsick that she is losing her best buddy Carl, but eagerly awaits his return. Well, Carl doesn’t return, and Carl’s dad ends up giving Lady to the military program to help in the war Carl was killed in. Lady was excited about her new adventure, and was given to a wonderful soldier named Steve. And well, this takes Lady on a journey like she never expected, and you need to read the book for the rest of Lady's awesome story.

This is a precious, well-written story about a smart and intelligent furry friend, Lady. Lady is the loveable dog every one wants as a pet. I loved getting to know her, and it is especially nice that she can talk, so the reader knows what she is thinking. Lady’s life is different from that of most pets. She is sometimes safe, sometimes she fights for survival, and sometimes she saves lives. And in the last few years of her life, she is rewarded with a happy and contented life. Lady is truly a hero in every sense. Her life found special meaning everywhere she was placed.

What a wonderful sweet story for anyone to read. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of Lady’s life, and I learned a lot about military animals, and about dogs in general from Lady. If you are looking for a good read for your child or teen, I highly recommend you grab “Heart of a Hero” by Billi J. Tiner for them. This is a truly awesome book for those who love dogs.

Available on Amazon

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