


What do you feed the rabbits

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Grass Allergies

The importance of good nutrition, a rabbit can not be overstated. Poor nutrition may be responsible for, or is a decisive factor for the most common health problems such as rabbits are overweight, the floor sticky, dental disease, myiasis and sore ankles.

Grass Allergies

As the rabbit's digestive system works

Grass Allergies

Rabbits evolved on a diet of grass, which is low in nutrients, and structured as other herbivores such as cows, their digestive system is to maximize the advantageThese diet low in nutrients.

Grass Allergies

If a rabbit to eat, eat, is the indigestible fiber content passing through their system and appears as a round, hard stools. The indigestible fibers, however, occurs in an organ called the blind, where bacteria ferment and allow them to digest. This turns out to be milder than the fall caecotrophy the rabbit directly from the ground and eat it again to extract all sorts of nutrients.

The teeth of the rabbits have evolved to copewith this scheme, grow continuously throughout the life of the rabbit for the high level needed to chew the grass can be managed.

Good nutrition

Most of the domestic rabbit diet should consist of good quality hay. And 'the closest thing to their natural diet of grass and he just needed for several reasons: -

The first high-fiber keeps the digestive system functioning.

The fibrous nature of the second hayThis means that the rabbit to chew longer and then shudder.

The third time spent eating hay reduces boredom and destructive behavior.

Most rabbits are happy to eat all types of hay, like Timothy, meadow, oat hay or dried grass. Alfalfa Hay has a football was so fed only in small quantities or suffering malnutrition and rabbits rabbits to help gain weight.

Although in theory a rabbit can do whatever you need good receptionQuality hay, you may want to grow vegetables and small amounts of dry food in addition to the rabbit food nutrients and vitamins and provide variety in the diet.

Rabbits should receive a variety of fresh vegetables per day, approx. 1-2 handfuls. Dark, leafy vegetables such as spring greens, kale and broccoli are the best, while the carrots and fruits such as apples and bananas with sugar and must be fed in very small amounts, like a party too.

Rabbitsshould also be a food of high quality dry pellet / nugget form, are fed as Burgess Excel. For a rabbit-sized 2 to 3 kg, about 50 - 80g daily diet (a few handfuls) should be. A variety of mixing the dry food is not what leads to a selective feeding to the point where the rabbit is looking for the bits they want and leave the rest to be provided.

In short, should make hay 80-90% of rabbit food with dry food and vegetables, from which the remaining 10 -20%.

Problems caused by poor nutrition

Many domestic rabbits are too many dry foods, usually fed ad libitum. Dry food is low in fiber and rich in protein, rabbits that fills up quickly, so little interest in eating the hay. The rabbit is too indigestible fiber, which would increase the caecotrophy (loose stools) results. In addition, rabbits are often too fresh food to the poor so that even provided a surplus ofcaecotrophy.

The rabbit becomes too much weight and is therefore able to reach the bottom to eat caecotrophy, further accelerates the digestive imbalance and often results in "syndrome of tights." Loose stools in a crunchy rabbit fur around the bottom, so that the discomfort of rabbits and left the risk of fly strike, a potentially fatal disease. Fly strike occurs when flies lay their eggs in the feces-encrusted, then eat the larvae hatch andRabbit meat.

As if all this were not enough, the most common problem in rabbits is now a dental disease (malocclusion). This is expensive to treat, very stressful for the rabbit and, unfortunately, is often a death sentence. Genetics may contribute to dental disease (increased risk of Dwarf / Lop breeds) or trauma (when the teeth are put out of alignment), but a poor diet is by far the most common cause and therefore more easily preventable.

DentalThe disease can be either on the front (incisors) and / or back (molar) teeth. If the teeth out of alignment or are crushed by a high intake of fiber, to produce hay or grass that is, when it peaks or "spurs", which reduced the rabbit's cheeks or tongue, which eventually led to it cease eating. A common side effect of this is the formation of abscesses, which are known to be difficult to treat rabbits.

More information about dental diseases

Thankfully, more and more vets, pet shops etc are stressing to their customers the importance of hay in a rabbit's diet. It really is the single most important thing you can do to keep your rabbit happy and healthy.

What do you feed the rabbits

Grass Allergies

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