


Alternative treatments for allergies and hay fever: allergy nosodes

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Tree Allergies

"Can I get another bottle of this? I'm out, it works great, and allergy season is here." My clients ask, as they hold up the tell-tale little brown bottle with its yellow label.

Tree Allergies

I use these products. I thought at first that I was manifesting a placebo affect because these products worked so well, but over the years, clients have come in every other year or so just to pick up a bottle of Tree Mix I or Tree Mix II when they run out. I never see them any other Time.

Tree Allergies

A bottle can last from one month to two years depending on what you are trying to manage what is necessary and how short the exposure. They work for people and their pets.
My favorite homeopathic allergy formulas from a Pro Extended Health. The funds will also allersodes.

Tree Allergies

Allersodes are homeopathic drops stimulate the immune system to detect minute, deploy and engage on allergensorganism from the body, usually through the kidneys, skin or bowels. These particular allersodes contain homeopathics to support the adrenal gland and liver as well. I think that is one reason why they work so well.

The dosage is normally 17 drops three times daily for acute situations and 15 drops daily for chronic allergies. Here are a few of the remedies my clients and I have utilized over the years for various allergies causing skin problems, rhinitis, itchy eyes, Irritability, asthma, depression, feelings of alienation and a host of other symptoms:

Mix of flowers - for allergies Aster, Camellia, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Daffodil, Daisy, Daphne, Gardenia, Gentian, Gladiola, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lilac, Lily, Larkspur, Lupine, Marigold, Oleander, thought, petunia, peony, Poppy, rose, snapdragon and tulip.

House dust and shapes - the black mold allergies, grain dust, mold, house, household dust, lint, mattressesDust, mold, dust, paper dust, dust, carpet, carpet powder, yeast (Baker / Brewers) and mites.

Grain & Seed Mix - allergies for barley, corn, cotton, linen, gliadin (whatever that is), gluten, millet, sorghum, oats, poppy seeds, rice (brown / white), rye, safflower, sesame, sorghum , soybeans, sunflowers and wheat.

Weed & Grass Mix - for allergies alfalfa, amaranth, bamboo, Chenopodium, burdock, dandelion, foxtail, Grease Wood, JuneGrass, Johnson Grass, kapok, Lambs Quarters, Old Marsh, mugwort, pampas grass, foxtail, ragweed, Tansy, sage, scale (full scale / Wingscale / Lenscale), Scotch broom, sorrel, yellow dock, red top, meadow fescue, Sweet Vernal, Kentucky bluegrass, orchard, rye perineal, Timothy, red clover, white clover, goldenrod, thistle and velvet grass.

The Tree Mix - for allergies alder, ash, birch, cedar, poplar, cypress, elm, fir, hemlock, walnut, juniper,Maples, mulberry, oak, western, eastern oak, pine, spruce and redwood.

Tree Mix II - for allergies to Acacia, Aspen flowering of the bay, the elder, eucalyptus, figs, apples, cherry blossom, lilac, magnolia, Mesquite, oleanders, olive oil, pepper, Privet, Sycamore, Tulip and Willow.

I would not be without them. I think you love them.

Alternative treatments for allergies and hay fever: allergy nosodes

Tree Allergies

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