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Tree Allergies
You all know the unpleasant symptoms of allergy, if you're one of millions who suffer from allergies, this list should know the symptoms all too well?
Tree Allergies
Sneeze Jam Cold Sore throat Itching, burning and watery eyes
Tree Allergies
Often, the most annoying symptom is the last in this list - red, tears, burning eyes, which often result from exposure to an allergen.
Tree Allergies
It can be annoying when you start"Scream" new knowledge, because your allergies. - But the truth is that this is not the worst thing that must be stored in ocular allergies Tears, the trick or the cause of pride to walk can lead to other problems. Visual disturbances with irrigation or irritated mucous produced by blindfolded, you can contact a security risk on the road. For some of the most serious cases, there is the possibility that allergies of the eye can threaten your vision permanently.
Itching,Burn your eyes water does not have the tears that come out are confused allergic sinus pressure. If the head feels "closed" sometimes produce the pressure of the kernel size of the glands in your eyes the tears hit. This pressure causes the eyes begins to sink. Ocular Allergies are very different from tears caused by sinus pressure. People who suffer from allergies also experience eye irritation and redness that oftendescribed as burning, itching or tired.
So how can you be sure you have eye allergies? If you suffer from this disease, what can you do to reduce the burn, and weep? The information contained in this article will be able to overcome when it comes to eye allergies.
Know Your Enemy
Eye allergy (more formally known as allergy eyes) affects the thin fabric (also known as the conjunctiva) that covers the white part of theEye and the inside of the eyelids. This fabric acts as a barrier to protect your eyes from the invasion of particles, microorganisms and other contaminants. Another player in the lacrimal gland, ocular allergies is. Tears are not just water - which contains important immune substances such as immunoglobulins (antibodies), lymphocytes (specialized white blood cells) and enzymes. When allergens in collision with the eyes, is an allergic reaction kicks in the conjunctivathat causes itching and burning, red and swollen.
Once the eye is caused by contact with animal hair or pollen allergies or other irritations, make your tear glands do their best for the offensive to expel the allergens in the eye. This attempt to flush the irritants of the eyes is what causes the eyes flooded with tears. The irony of eye allergy is your body trying to protect you - but to avoid that make you feel miserable in the process!
HowAllergies Eye allergies differently than others?
Eye allergies are actually the same as any other type of allergies. Tissues are allergic to sensitive areas of your eyes is very similar to the tissues of the nose and throat. Eye Allergies are often associated with other allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy ), and even eczema (skin allergy) coexist. The biggest difference between the ocular allergies and allAnother type of allergy is like the allergen comes in contact with you.
There are few ways for allergens that are found in the eye:
Allergens, eyes, simply by entering on foot in an area where the source of allergens is Another way to common allergens to penetrate the eye is rubbing or touching the eye area with your hands. Sometimes you rub your eyes after helping to start burning more equitable distributionallergens to the area.
Nasal allergies are almost always triggered by inhaling airborne allergens like pollen or animal dander. People with allergic eyes often have a strong family or personal history of allergies-- and most likely are going to experience eye allergy symptoms before the age of 30.
Two common types of eye allergies:
Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis (SAC)
Perennial Allergic Conjunctivitis (PAC)
The main Difference between the two most common forms of ocular allergy is the time.
They have seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (PAC), if:
They usually have symptoms for a short period of time. They are harassed by tree pollen, grass pollen in spring or in summer or in the case of pollen of weeds. In general, during the year, when the symptoms disappear completely - in this case, usually in winter.
You have more perennial allergic conjunctivitis (PAC)if:
Symptoms that last year. They are hampered by allergens such as dust mites inside, cockroaches and pet dander Do you think that aggravate allergies, eye allergies, seasonal outdoor, if you're too sensitive.
Here are some common allergy triggers for your eyes:
Pollen Grass Weeds Dust Hair or pet dander Some medicines and cosmetics
There are also some irritating elements, the eyes, but not quite asallergens are:
Cigarette smoking Perfume Diesel exhaust
The symptoms of eye allergies:
Rash Tear Burn Blurred vision Pad Ring and / or mucus production Swollen Eye
When medical care?
Some people find it easy to identify the exact cause of their allergy and avoid triggering entirely (ie if you are allergic to refrain from pets, pet or keep pets domestic workers themselves).But if you can not identify the source of your reactions - or simply can not avoid contact, you should consult an ophthalmologist (a doctor specializing in eye conditions and treatment).
If you have SAC, you can make an appointment with the ophthalmologist before the season, if the allergies of your eyes pop. In this way, you can start a sort of program to treat or prevent symptoms before the onset of feeling.
If you have a PAC, you can adjustAppointment with your ophthalmologist to ensure that your eye allergies can be monitored. Occasional relapses make it necessary to keep an eye up to date with your condition. You can also consult an allergist (doctor in allergic diseases such as nasal allergies and allergic asthma specialist).
Questions to ask your doctor:
Is there a particular reason for my eye allergies? Can be identified? AsI can control my symptoms and occasional episodes?
These are two important issues that will help you determine your best to avoid contact with the allergy or trigger some form of treatment to relieve irritation.
Conditions often confused with eye allergies
Here are some conditions that can often be mistaken for eye allergies:
Dry eye: decreased tear production (or "dry eye") is a disease, it isoften mistaken for allergies. The main symptoms of reduced production of tears, burning, grain, or the feeling of "something in the eye." Most people with dry eyes are over the age of 65 years. This condition has worsened in all cases with the use of antihistamines by mouth (regardless of patient age), sedative drugs and beta-blockers. Tear duct obstruction: This occurs when an obstacle - or constipation - the passage forms the lacrimal gland that moves the eyesthe nasal cavity. Most people with a lacrimal duct obstruction are elderly. The main symptom is watery eyes, no itching or burning eyes associated with allergies. Conjunctivitis due to infection: Eye infections caused by bacteria or viruses. For bacterial infections, the eyes are often bright red and after closing time, the lids stick together (especially in the morning). Discolored mucus is often seen (so-called "dirty eyes"). ViralThe infections cause only mild redness and vitreous in one eye. Some viruses are very light eyes, either by direct contact (by eye from hand to hand to the eye) or distributed in contaminated pools. For these conditions, you should consult your doctor immediately.
Review and Processing
Best of all, to determine if you have ocular allergies or not, is to visit your eye doctor. A doctor can check the character of the ruleassociated with the disease. In most cases, it comes with a special microscope lamp stilts. When looking at your eyes with a modeling lamp, the ophthalmologist for the dilation of blood vessels, looking at the swelling of the conjunctiva and swelling of the eyelids. These are characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction in the eye and surrounding tissues.
In rare cases, the ophthalmologist carefully scrape the surface of the conjunctiva. The objective is to control the tracks of small cells are removedEosinophils. Eosinophils are often associated with severe cases of allergies.
For those with mild or moderate ocular allergies, there is a list of prescription drugs and prescription available. Most drugs are available in the form of eye drops usually an effective treatment with little or no systemic side effects. Most bottles are only used twice a day. Some of the most popular brands are prescribed:
Nedocromil (Alocril) Ketotifen (Zaditor) Olopatadine (PATANOL) Azelastine (Optivar) Pemirolast (Alamast) Epinastine (Elestat)
For more severe cases, the ophthalmologist may recommend the use of one eye of topical corticosteroids. Old forms of corticosteroids, there may be side effects if used over a long period. New forms of corticosteroids have a lot less risk involved. Some of the most popular brands of topical ophthalmic corticosteroids include:
0.02% loteprednol (ALREX) Loteprednol 0.05%(Lotemax) Prednisolone (AK-Pred) Rimexolone (VEXOL) Medrysone (HMS) Fluorometholone (FML, FML Forte, FML Liqui film)
Home Care
Whether you choose an appointment with the doctor who did the naked eye or through the short season of depth, here are some tips to help people help themselves.
Avoid allergens trigger:
Reduce the number of places where the allergens in your home by limiting the number of knick-knacks, pillows, dust ruffles hideBlinds and curtains in the house. All these are the most popular places for the collection of dust and other allergens such as dust mites and pollen. Follow the prescribed method to reduce allergens in the nose home - causing the same things, nasal allergies and allergic asthma, you will attract the eye hit. So if you are allergic to dust mites, consider the possibility of a dust mite mattress and bedding. Eliminate water leaks or excessive condensation, if you are allergic to moldsSpores. There are a number of resources that are removing allergens from the environment and how Avoid pet dander - which means stay away from animals, but also cautious on the scales of skin that can spread to your clothes or hands when you visit the animals at a friend sitting on a chair, on which an animal usually sleeps , etc. Use a quality filter in your furnace and air conditioning systems, made by Dynamic Air Quality Systems. It could alsorecommend using an air filter allergy bedroom size of your room. Do not forget to change the filter regularly - you can even learn to mark your calendars.
Simple allergic reactions at home:
Do not rub your eyes. And 'natural reaction to itching you could feel it in your eyes, but rubbing the eye, you foment even more irritation. In addition, the hand-eye contact is the introduction of allergens, your eyes.Remember not to rub the eyes of an allergic reaction, as it will actually cause more problems. Splash your face with water to start, if you want to have your eyes itch. The water will actually help wash away allergens from the face and eyes. If you feel that you feel in contact with allergens or start burning eyes, use artificial tears / lubricating drops of oil to flush allergens in the eye. Place cold compresses to your eyesreduce swelling and irritation caused by allergic reaction.
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