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Grass Allergies
If you think that you are living with gluten sensitivity symptoms, or if you think that you might be gluten intolerant, how can you know for sure? Have you been searching all over the internet trying to find out more information about gluten intolerance and its symptoms, but you are confused about the mountain of information? You are not alone. Some estimates say that there are about three million Americans suffering from this condition, but only a small fraction are aware that they are suffering from it. That makes about 1 in 133 that suffer from this condition, but only 1 in 4700 knows that they are gluten intolerant.
Grass Allergies
First let us start with the obvious question. What is Gluten sensitivity? This condition is simply the bodies rejection of gluten which is a protein found in grains like wheat. This rejection then causes a variety of symptoms and conditions.
Grass Allergies
What are common symptoms of gluten sensitivity?
Grass Allergies
1. Stomach Cramping
2. Nausea and vomiting
3. Diarrhea
4. Constipation
5. Gas
6. Acid reflux
7. Fatigue
8. Joint Pain
9. Infertility
10. Ulcers
The first and most common gluten sensitivity symptom is stomach cramping. This can be moderate to very severe. If you suffer from this, you are well aware of the pain and discomfort. Nausea and vomiting can be experienced by a large number of people. Gas and diarrhea are also very common and can be very embarrassing. Fatigue can take the form of physical exhaustion or it can manifest itself as mental fatigue.
This is a very short list of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity. Please keep in mind that this condition does not manifest itself the same way in all people. If you are unsure if you are suffering from this condition, please see your doctor.
Where does gluten intolerance come from?
Most studies indicate that gluten intolerance and sensitivity is inherited. That is to say it is genetically passed on. The only way to be cured of this condition is to simply avoid gluten in your diet. This can be the most challenging and disheartening part of this condition. Wheat and wheat products seem to be in so many foods that we eat. But remember, if you are suffering from the symptoms of gluten sensitivity, you are not alone. The internet has opened up the world to those of us who are searching for more information about gluten sensitivity symptoms and gluten free foods.
So how can you learn to live gluten free?
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