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Grass Allergies
For thousand years, cats have been hated, loved and even worshiped. Cats, beside dogs have become a humans best friend. Well, this article will tell you some unique facts of cats. Keep reading...
Grass Allergies
*Cats like green stuff such as grass. And they like to eat grass. Grazing is something natural that should not be worried. They eat grass to relieve stomach ache, to cough up furl balls, and and to relieve inflammation in their throats.
Grass Allergies
*They do not like the sweet taste. It makes sense why cats don't like candy.
Grass Allergies
*They have the third eye called haw which is only visible when they are feeling unwell.
*They have great sense to smell something. This is the reason why cats won't use a dirty litter box. And they also have great hearing.
*Cats hate the smell of perfume. They also hate the orange and lemon scent.
*They consider area covered by ammonia as an elimination spot. So, it is not advisable to use ammonia to clean cat urine odor.
*A newborn kitten has blue eyes and it will change when they grow older.
*A cat knows a change in your mood, and sometimes it will affect your cat.
*They show their trust to their owner by snoring or rolling on their back.
*Cat's body normal temperature is 102 Fahrenheit.
*Ragdoll is the largest cat breed and singapura cat is the smallest breed.
*500 million is the total number of domestic cats in our world.
*The cat door was invented by Sir Isaac Newton.
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