


Air Cleaner For Cats- 4 Important Features To Have In A Purifier

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For those of us who love cats, we are often able to overlook the hair, dander, and odort that they can produce. However, allowing these pollutants to accumulate can not only be unsightly, but can cause allergies and asthma to flare. Clearing the air with a purifier is an effective solution if the purifier has the following 4 features.

Carbon Filter---Thank goodness for carbon, because it is well-known for its ability to filter gaseous pollutants from the air. So if an air purifier is to be effective at removing urine smell it must have 10 to 15 pounds of activated carbon.

The added bonus of having carbon is that even though your main concern may be odor from your feline friend, carbon doesn't really care about the source of the odor. It will indiscriminately remove gases, odors, and chemicals that may be lurking in your air from everyday living such as cooking smells from last night's dinner, fragrances from personal products, and smells cleaning products emit.

Filter For Removing Ammonia---Remember when your grandmother used to clean windows with ammonia? That's because it's powerful stuff. And ammonia is one of the main components of urine. That's why cat urine can be such an eye-stinging experience.

In order for any cleaner to be able to remove this smell, it needs a carbon filter that has a considerable amount of activated carbon in it. But carbon alone can't effectively remove it completely.

An additive such as ammonasorb that is specifically designed to absorb the ammonia is what is needed. This additive has been shown to enhance carbon's ability to absorb the ammonia and return the air to your home smelling fresh and clean.

Filter For Dander---Cat dander can be mistaken for particles you sometimes see floating in your air. In fact, the dead skin flakes that your pet is constantly shedding are invisible to the human eye. These flakes are microscopic in size.

But the effect that they can have on someone who is allergic or asthmatic is huge. Constant exposure to high levels of dander can and often does cause sensitivity where there was previously none.

That's why it's important to have a filter that can remove micron size particles. A high-efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filter is the best type of filter for the job because by definition, it can remove airborne particulates as small as.3 microns.

This is the type of filtration that is recommended for people with asthma and allergies, and is used by hospitals to insure clean air.

Living with a warm-blooded pet such as a cat probably means that your main concerns center around hair and dander, but HEPA filtration will also remove other well-known allergens such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses.

24 Hour Cleaning Capability---A cleaner can have the best combination of filters in the entire world, but unless it can run all the time, it will constantly be playing catch up. And for you that means your air is not consistently clean. Keeping air quality high all the time is the most effective way to minimize the effects allergens can have.

A split capacitor motor is designed to run safely and effectively for long periods of time without needing a rest. Check the technical specifications to make sure that your unit can clean continuously. Allergens don't take a break and your unit shouldn't have to either.

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