


Calculating The Date Of Ovulation In a Woman

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Write and note down the first day of your last period. This is the date you start your menstrual cycle.

     Record the average number of days of your menstrual cycle individually. Your menstrual cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends one day before having the next. The number of days in that cycle is known as your menstrual cycle specific. Most women have a 28 to 29 day cycle. Calculate your average following your cycle for several months, this may vary slightly from month to month. Average your cycles for 3 or 4 months to determine your menstrual cycle length.
      Know that usually women ovulate 14 days after the onset of the menstrual cycle. This means that if you have a 28 day cycle, probably ovulate on day 14. If you have a 30 day cycle, ovulate around day 16.
      Use ovulation calculators online to easily see the dates of ovulation previews. Websites such as Ovulation-Calculator and The Parent Imperfected calculate your ovulation date for you. You must enter the first day of your last period and your average length of your menstrual cycle to get the results.
      Temperature method attempts to determine ovulation. Note down your temperature every morning, the day after you ovulate, your temperature will be about half a degree Celsius higher than normal. Be sure to take your temperature first thing in the morning before getting out of bed, because movement causes the temperature increase.
      Look after your vaginal discharge. As ovulation approaches, vaginal discharge tends to be more watery and clear. During the day of ovulation, the discharge will be denser and moist and, immediately after ovulation, it will be somewhat sticky.
      Visit to a fertility specialist to help you determine your time of ovulation. These doctors may do several tests to help you set your ovulation dates provided.

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