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The dust that accumulates inside homes is a complex mixture of many materials of different origin and composition: the remains of textile fibers, hair, skin scales of humans and animals, remains of insects and plants, molds, bacteria, pollens and especially the MITES
Dust mites are a microscopic animals (invisible to the naked eye), relatives of spiders. Are less than 3/100 of a millimeter.
There are many different species, two of which are the most common cause respiratory allergy.
Their scientific names are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae.
Interestingly, it is in the shells of their bodies and in their feces where the mites concentrated particles more powerful allergen. Dermatophagoides mites live in close association with man, as they feed on the flakes that flow imperceptibly from human skin. The sites are located more frequently and are found in most rooms (living rooms and especially bedrooms).
The mattresses on the beds are their favorite haunt, and that is where we lose by friction, the more skin scales. In addition, temperature (25 to 30 ° C) and high relative humidity (60-80%), occurring inside a mattress filled by a person who sleeps, offers an ideal climate for the development of mites.
Prevention and treatment of allergy to mites.
It is very difficult to completely eliminate the mites, but may reduce their numbers to avoid respiratory crisis.
Some of the recommendations to be followed are:
* Frequent cleaning of the house, without raising dust.
* It is convenient to use the broom and, of course, do not "shake the dust."
* The walls should be painted, preferably with plastic, washable. Avoid wallpaper.
* It is important and needed that the rooms (especially the bedroom) are well ventilated and sunny (sunlight kills mites). Avoid moisture.
* Avoid excess furniture and decorative objects that collect dust.
* Avoid sofas and armchairs that are not covered in leather or similar. The seats with wool covers are large stores of powder.
* Avoid unenclosed bookshelves. The books accumulated dusty, difficult to clean.
* Stuffed animals also represent a significant reservoir of mites.
* Avoid over curtains. Be installed as low as possible and easily washable material (should wash curtains and bedding at a temperature above 70 ° C).
* Try to do without carpets. In cases of having them, clean them frequently with vacuum
* Especially important is the design of the bed of allergy:
* The foam mattress is preferable to spring. Avoid wool mattresses, feathers or cotton.
* The bedding (blankets, sheets, cushions, pillows) should be from synthetic fabric, easy to wash.
* Decontaminate the mattress frequently (at least once a week).
* Carefully clean the furniture, especially the head area. Better a simple furniture, unadorned that hinder cleaning.
* In the changes of season, doing laundry (both clothing and bedding) stored before wearing to prevent dust from
* When because of travel or vacation home has been unoccupied for some time, we must perform a thorough cleaning of the same before the allergic person comes into it. These same precautions are taken when the patient has to sleep in another house.
Enter here for a free analysis of contamination and to identify potential sources of infection of mites in your home
Dust mites are a microscopic animals (invisible to the naked eye), relatives of spiders. Are less than 3/100 of a millimeter.
There are many different species, two of which are the most common cause respiratory allergy.
Their scientific names are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae.
Interestingly, it is in the shells of their bodies and in their feces where the mites concentrated particles more powerful allergen. Dermatophagoides mites live in close association with man, as they feed on the flakes that flow imperceptibly from human skin. The sites are located more frequently and are found in most rooms (living rooms and especially bedrooms).
The mattresses on the beds are their favorite haunt, and that is where we lose by friction, the more skin scales. In addition, temperature (25 to 30 ° C) and high relative humidity (60-80%), occurring inside a mattress filled by a person who sleeps, offers an ideal climate for the development of mites.
Prevention and treatment of allergy to mites.
It is very difficult to completely eliminate the mites, but may reduce their numbers to avoid respiratory crisis.
Some of the recommendations to be followed are:
* Frequent cleaning of the house, without raising dust.
* It is convenient to use the broom and, of course, do not "shake the dust."
* The walls should be painted, preferably with plastic, washable. Avoid wallpaper.
* It is important and needed that the rooms (especially the bedroom) are well ventilated and sunny (sunlight kills mites). Avoid moisture.
* Avoid excess furniture and decorative objects that collect dust.
* Avoid sofas and armchairs that are not covered in leather or similar. The seats with wool covers are large stores of powder.
* Avoid unenclosed bookshelves. The books accumulated dusty, difficult to clean.
* Stuffed animals also represent a significant reservoir of mites.

* Try to do without carpets. In cases of having them, clean them frequently with vacuum
* Especially important is the design of the bed of allergy:
* The foam mattress is preferable to spring. Avoid wool mattresses, feathers or cotton.
* The bedding (blankets, sheets, cushions, pillows) should be from synthetic fabric, easy to wash.
* Decontaminate the mattress frequently (at least once a week).
* Carefully clean the furniture, especially the head area. Better a simple furniture, unadorned that hinder cleaning.
* In the changes of season, doing laundry (both clothing and bedding) stored before wearing to prevent dust from
* When because of travel or vacation home has been unoccupied for some time, we must perform a thorough cleaning of the same before the allergic person comes into it. These same precautions are taken when the patient has to sleep in another house.
Enter here for a free analysis of contamination and to identify potential sources of infection of mites in your home
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