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Medical doctors, Philip Landrigan and Herbert Needleman, Mary Landrigan and in 2001 published the book "Raising Healthy Children in a Toxic World". Not yet translated into Spanish, this book offers 101 smart solutions for every family can implement in their day to day.The book is divided into three parts devoted to the protection of our children at home, in the neighborhood and in their conception. The book uses simple language and direct, easy access to all parents, and allowing them to find comfort solutions in areas that most concerns them. Also, each part is preceded by a short multiple choice questionnaire that can alert parents in each of the different scenarios.
In the first part covering solutions to solve all environmental problems that the environment can affect the health of our children at home, with special attention to children's room. It also emphasizes how to avoid allergies and asthma attacks and to prevent possible poisoning dangerous products such as pesticides and herbicides. Finally, this first part concludes by exposing the means to reduce exposure of children to unsafe foods for your health as well as to chemicals normally used at home. Although much of the recommendations and solutions in the case of food is directly linked to the American diet, many ideas that we can draw as they are very few times when buying a product, we analyzed its additives or have treated or untreated with pesticides. A good old recommendation, recalled worldwide due to avian flu and now almost forgotten, is to wash hands frequently and especially before eating or handling food.
The second part dedicated to the protection of children in their environment, including tracks to avoid the dangers of day care, ways to make our children's school safer and how to avoid the dangers of the neighborhood. The importance of this section is vital since a large part of the day our children will spend in the nursery or school. Normally, however, rely on the checks to pass these centers and do not usually wary of their safety. However, some recommendations seem interesting. For example, how to deal with the unpleasant task of eradicating lice and nits from the heads of our children. Normally we ask for a treatment at the pharmacy, but must inform us of their toxicity and the impact it can have on the health of our children. It also reminds us that there are many ways to avoid the nasty mosquito bites in babies and children and that not all prevention methods are safe for your health.
In the third and final part, this book offers ways to protect our children from conception. Healthy children born to healthy mothers and fathers. Therefore, the book advises us that we must guard and protect us from environmental hazards that affect our health and reproduction. The the most interesting parts of the book. Many of us, when we decided to have a child or what we intended, we bought books on the design and babies, but in truth, few books have alerted us that our own responsibility for her pregnancy. Do not eat swordfish or mackerel to contain high levels of mercury, may be one of these amazing recommendations, if we want to avoid damaging the baby's central nervous system.
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