


5 Easy Tips to Maintain a Harmonious Multiple Cat House

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Pets can add joy to our life, but if you live with too many cats, then you could find yourself in cat hell! People who live with would have learnt about them and would know how to provide them with proper shelter.

There are millions of Americans who are recognized with rewards for having many cats. These people provide companionship, stimulation, and enrich the lives of cats. But require special care, and here are some tips to make their life sweeter with their own cat house.

Introduction of New Pets

When you bring new pets to your home, give them separate room, water, food, litter box, and toys. This will help them adjust, and then they'll start interacting with other members too. You have to get a certification from veterinarian that the pet is healthy so that you will have no problems in future.

You should continue to introduce the new pets to the old ones. This can be done by exchanging the beds, rubbing a cloth of one cat's mouth, and leaving the cloth in the other's place. When they start developing curiosity about each other, they become friendly. At this moment, supervised, short interactions can help them get along.

Free Space and Heights to be included

always need lot of space to be on their own, and get along with each other. have dominance rituals and their height would play a big role in those rituals. If you do not have trees, even top of a book shelf or top of a refrigerator will do the job. You should ensure that the are safe, and there are no breakable things in their vicinity.

Different pets show different behavior; there are some cats, which occupy different areas of house, and then there are cats, which stay in the bedrooms all the time and some others live in the living room. There are some cats, which prefer cat trees, which few don't... So, you'll have to basically understand their preferences, and act accordingly.

Litter Box

It is recommended to have at least as many litter boxes as the number of in the house, or preferably one more than that. You have to pay attention to your and understand what they love. There are cats, which do not mind sharing, while there are a few those are quite reserved.

In this case, you can keep one litter box upstairs and one more down so that they can share and play. There are some that do not like sharing. You have to watch and decide based on their behavior.

When you are purchasing a new litter box it is advisable to retain the old ones, since some may not like to go inside the new litter box right away.

Give Attention to Your Every Day

It is very easy to feed the cats, clean the litter boxes, and forget them... But, this is not enough when you really care for the life of cats. All living beings need attention and care; including cats, so it's important meet the needs of the cats, and dedicate some time towards their play time.

There are some that will stretch on your lap when you are watching TV, and you'll often come across few that live mostly in the bedroom. Ensure you spend some time with them at least before going to bed, and switching off the lights. Some would like to curl up in your arms at night. The most important thing is to know each and every cat as an individual and meet their needs.

Petar Petrov has dedicated most of his life to cats. He has written several articles about Outdoor Cat Houses, and often shares his pet-raising experiences with the other pet owners. For more details visit:

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